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YTPR Family Day at Sandra Richardson Park, September 17, 2016
/0 Comments/in Annoucements & Alerts /by Ilene SmithThe rain falling Saturday could not stop residents of York Township from heading to Sandra Richardson Park for Family Fun Day. Below is a photo of the bouncy houses ready for the event to start. Under the pavilion there were free hots dogs to everyone that attended. The main events included a Magic show, a […]
Little Free Library comes to Sandra Richardson Park!
/0 Comments/in Annoucements & Alerts /by Ilene SmithYork Township’s Sandra Richardson Park was the lucky recipient of a Little Free Library from the Village Painters, Livonia, on August 16, 2016. They donated the Library box, which was built by Rich Handley and painted by Sherri Redd. The artist beautifully incorporated paintings from the story “The Rainbow Fish” by Marcus Pfister as inspiration […]
New Trail Marker System for Sandra Richardson Park
/0 Comments/in Annoucements & Alerts /by Paul FairchildCheck out the new trail marker system in SRP. The design of the system broke the current pathways into four lengths or “loops”. The yellow loop is the shortest, followed by green, then red, which goes through the woods and finally blue which is the longest and also goes through the woods. Park maps at […]
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